Furnace Repairs in Rock Hill, SC

Do you need a furnace tune up or emergency repairs on your system? Call us at 704-461-3456 for services in Rock Hill and throughout York County.

Is your furnace working too hard to warm your house, or is it making odd sounds? You need to schedule furnace repair services with a trusted local heating service company as soon as possible. Our furnace contractors at MYK Air can get the job done to quickly restore comfort to your house or building in Rock Hill, SC.

Do you need a new furnace installed? Contact us to learn about our furnace installation services in York County.

How To Properly Maintain Your Furnace

You don’t want your furnace to break down in the middle of winter – right when you need it the most. Instead, it’s essential to properly maintain your unit. Some furnace maintenance tasks you should perform regularly are:

  • Schedule a yearly inspection with a furnace contractor in the late spring or early fall.
  • Change the filter at least every three months.
  • Install a carbon monoxide monitor. This should be inspected by a professional during your annual tune-up.
  • Have a heating contractor inspect your furnace ducts to ensure they are sealed properly.
  • Check the blower for any obstructions. If needed, apply lubrication.
  • Inspect the inside of the furnace chamber for defects that could include rust, holes, and separated seams.
  • Clean the burners with fresh water to remove dust and dirt.
  • Clean the sensor and pilot with a wire brush and emery cloth.
  • Check the “high limit” to prevent overheating.
  • Check the gas meter to monitor the rate of fuel usage.
  • Clean the area around the furnace to keep it free from debris.

When To Schedule Furnace Repairs

To avoid being left in a cold house for longer than necessary, it’s essential to schedule electric furnace repairs at the first sign of a problem. Some signs you should watch for that can indicate you need to repair your unit are:

  • Short cycling: If your system runs for less than three minutes before turning off, it can indicate a malfunctioning heat exchanger or a broken thermostat.
  • Irregular flames: If the flames are uneven or lean toward the back of the unit it can indicate a cracked heat exchanger, which can lead to serious problems. If you notice this, you should call a professional immediately.
  • Unusual sounds: If you hear rumbling, popping, or whistling coming from the unit it can indicate a number of issues that should be inspected by a professional.
  • Cracked heat exchanger: This can lead to a serious issue like a carbon monoxide leak. This should be inspected by a professional as soon as possible as it can cause serious health issues for your household. If you suspect you have a leak you should evacuate your property and then seek professional help.

Does your heater need routine maintenance or repairs? Call us for heater repairs in Rock Hill.

How To Make Your Furnace More Energy Efficient

If you’re worried about your bill every time you hear your gas furnace turn on, it can be time to look at ways to make your unit more energy efficient to start saving on your bills. Some tips our heating contractors recommend are:

  • Install a programmable thermostat. This will provide better climate control.
  • Check your air ducts to ensure there are no leaks.
  • Properly insulate your home to keep the warm air in and the cold air out.
  • Perform regular maintenance on the system at least once a year.
  • Change the air filters regularly.
  • Open the curtains or shades to let sunlight in to add heat to your home.

Does your oil furnace need repairs or maintenance, or are you due for a furnace tune up? Call MYK Air at 704-461-3456 to schedule furnace services in York County. We offer straightforward pricing.